Seeking Serenity In Uncertain Times

I think that there is no better time than now to read “Seeking Serenity In Uncertain Times” by Grace Sanford. In a world changed by a pandemic and filled with so much uncertainty, in a world where fear is just around the corner, we need as much help as we could get to give us the courage we need to carry on.

Written by someone who understands what pain and suffering are all about, this book is filled with valuable nuggets of wisdom that would console you and calm your anxious mind.

For 52 weeks, you can find a guide to keep you on track, reminding you of the hope you can still have, and urging you to ponder deeply on what matters most in your life.

Interactive and conversational in tone, you’d think you’re reading a letter from a dear friend, a friend who desires to lift you up just when you needed it most.

Many times, we think we know everything there is to know about life. We think that we have read every practical advice that matters. Quite often, however, mere knowledge is not what we need. What we need is to be reminded of the many things we have forgotten or failed to practice along the way.

We also need someone who can tell her story – her struggles and her pain. We need someone who has gone into darkness and grief herself and who continues to believe in a Higher Power that would see us through. We need someone who can believe with us, making us feel we are not alone.

With this book, you can have a companion every week to help you reflect on important themes like hope, gratitude, resilience, compassion and perseverance. While you can attempt to read it in one sitting, you can benefit more if you digest it one day at a time, letting the inspiration sink in until it becomes a part of who you are.

Each week’s theme is divided into five sections that can help you grow in your walk with God. This includes a space for relevant Bible verses (Scripture), the author’s personal reflection, thoughts on how to practice the reflection (meeting God halfway), prayer and self-assessment (checking in).

This book would be a good gift to yourself and to people you care about, especially at the start of the coming year.

No one is exempt from difficulties, but we can let our troubles bring us closer to God, looking towards Him with hope, faith and humility. These are uncertain times, but we can still find serenity through it all. We can still find courage, compassion and love.

This book review first appeared in Reedsy Discovery.