The Big Adventures of a Little Tree: Tree Finds Friendship

Can a little tree ever dream of exploring the world? That’s what you’d find out when you read “The Big Adventures Of A Little Tree” by Nadja Springer.

Whimsical, poignant and inspiring, we can all learn something from the little tree in the story about finding the courage to accomplish what others thought just could not be done.

Out of all the creatures in the world, one would never think that it’s a little tree who’d dare to take an adventure far removed from where he was. It’s just impossible! But who can say what’s possible? And who could say what couldn’t be done? Perhaps the possibility of something all starts from within and the magic happens when one follows the vision in one’s heart.

Children would immediately find the illustrations of the book catering to their imagination and creativity. Perhaps it would even spark something in them they never thought they had.

As the little tree interacts with other children in the story, the reader would find oneself more and more immersed in the adventures of our little hero. They can start to ask questions. They can dare to envision for themselves wonders that only the young at heart can see.

Narrated in a fun way using rhymes, this book can be the perfect opportunity to join your children in an environment where they thrive most, in that place where the unexpected can happen and where you find kindred hearts to believe in you.

This book teaches one how to overcome one’s fears and how to stand up for yourself even if you’re different. It helps you believe that even when the way seems difficult, you often find unexpected help and even friends who will accept you and support you for who you are.

I love that warm feeling this book leaves those who read it. It can make you young again. If you’re still young, it can make you feel you’ve just entered a portal where you can meet unforgettable friends and learn life-long lessons that will bless your heart.

This review was first published on Reedsy Discovery.

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